Monday, October 26, 2009

Witch Child by Cecelia Rees

Okay. I can't say I really liked this book as a historian. My skin crawled at the historical inaccuracies in regards to language and some of the social structure of the book. While the story line was fast paced and interesting, the thought that puritan communities would allow an unmarried man and woman live together, even if they aren't sexually involved, is pretty ridiculous. An unmarried woman would live with relatives or alone (but even that would have been rare).

And I also thought the rather overdid the zealousness of the Puritans, loosely basing the story on Arthur Miller's play "The Crucible". It was a little too obvious what was going to happen in the end, because how else would a book end about a girl with witch powers in a puritan community?

Okay, enough with the sarcasm.

I actually like the fast paced story and the tie-in of the Cromwell and English Revolution. I don't see that as often (but then, I avoid fictional histories for obvious reasons). I also liked how that the main character had real power, but wasn't evil or malicious, even when she was being threatened. That was refreshing the lack of revenge! But I haven't read the second book either, so it might come out there.

Overall, I really do prefer Elizabeth George Spears "The Witch of Blackbird Pond". But this one was interesting. I definitely recommend giving this a read...just don't dwell on historical inaccuracies. You will be annoyed. Rather enjoy it for the story. It is an interesting story!